T. K. Bounds News

Read an excerpt from Fierce Hunt

Charlie's knees unhinged, and he bowled over on Jake and Brok. For a moment, silence. A round of bullets assaulted the large rock shielding them. The electric hum from the motorcycle exploded and grew to a buzz.

Coming at us to flank and kill. Charlie hooked his thumb under his rifle strap. Almost on us. No time. He gripped a trekking pole.

The front wheel of the cycle appeared. Charlie hurled his makeshift harpoon into the spokes.

Crack! The rider slammed into the handlebars. The rear of the machine flipped up. The attacker flung tail-over-top off the bike, automatic weapon spraying the night sky. The rider slammed to earth, plowed gravel, and lay still.

Read an excerpt from Screaming Shadows
